I congratulate Ms Dayamani Barla for her steely resolve to protect the land,forest,water,identity and heritage of Adibasi people of Jharkhand and I wish her well in her campaign.I as one of them also want the same for them.But unfortunately they are not enough for the present day situation for the preservation, promotion, progress and development of ADIBASI people. They have lived and protected all these over the generations but see where they are in comparison to the rest of the people of India.Most of them are still poor and illiterate with very little access to good housing, clean drinking water, health care, sanitation, education and job opportunities.The surface of the land where they live are generally not fertile and has no irrigation facilities and the deforestation has reduced the forest produce to provide sustainable source of livelihood.Most of the wealth of these areas are underneath the ground. So for the survival and progress of ADIBASI people, they do need industrialisation for job prospect and progress in all aspects of their lives. And for that we have to spare some land and forest to build industries.We the well wishers of ADIBASI should stand shoulder to shoulder with them and make sure that their land is taken after negotiation and their fully informed consent with adequate compensation and rehabilatation in the similar communal set up and envioronment and long term stake in the industries for their future generations. I wish M/s Barla to be an standard bearer for ADIBASI people and thier rights but not to be an obstruction on the way of their progress and prosperity. she has the knowledge, ability and expertise to negotiate for the ADIBASI people and get the best deal for them because the politicians will not do for them.She should look around Jamshedpur area and see that ordinary ADIBASI people living there are better off than any other parts of Jharkhand. JAI JHARKHAND AND JOHAR Dhuni Soren
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