Dear Manoj, I tried to understand your stand. Well i do agree with your points. No *ism* is wrong in it's basic nature...It was distorted only by powerful people. So, hinduism is not bad in spirit, but what would you say if SC/ST are barred from entering temples???? When some one is accusing hinduism, he or she means the contemporary form of it and not the basic form. So if one religion is not even raising concern on it's down trodden people why not it should be cursed???? Hinduism would be praised if some so called Brahmins(ofcourse by birth only) goes to such society and ask Dalits to join them entering Temple...But it never have happened...and hence hinduism has to bear the flak. That is why i always say, there is no point bringing the basic nature in the discussion...No religion was bad with it's 'mool tatva'. And ofcourse, everybody would agree with you that the dalits will only improve their status. No conversion (escapism) would cure them. Reagrds, |