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Vision of pollution-free Kolkata |

What will happen if the high court order is followed in letter and spirit and all polluting vehicles are booted out? You will live four years longer. Babies will be born healthier. And Kolkata will no longer be the asthma and lung cancer capital. Automobile engineers and experts are confident that air toxicity which is at alarming levels in Kolkata will dip sharply once the old smoke belchers are gone. "There can be only one outcome the city's air will become cleaner. There will be a perceivable drop in carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and other toxic elements," state pollution control board chief scientist Dipak Chakraborty said on Thursday, just two days before the blanket ban on pre-'93 commercial vehicles, including two-stroke non-LPG autorickshaws. Kolkata's air quality is among the worst in the country, which gets even more dangerous in winter. If the government cracks down on 15-year-old vehicles, there will be a remarkable change from day 1 itself, said automobile engineer Prabir Kumar Bose, director of the National Institutes of Technology in Silchar and Agartala. "New vehicles have more fuel-efficient engines. Not only do they use less fuel for combustion, the process is more complete. Hence, there are less pollutants in the emission," he explained. The vehicles that face the phase-out axe were built at a time when engines in India did not incorporate lean burn technology'. "They emit a lot of particulate matter because of incomplete combustion of fuel. Technology has since advanced manifold. Now, the amount of fuel to be fed into the combustion system is electronically controlled. It is much more efficient," Bose said. City Livable Once More "The epidemic-type situation, specially with regard to child asthma and lung cancer, will change. Kolkata will become a livable city once again with a better quality of life," said Centre for Environment director A K Ghosh, pointing to a National Cancer Research Institute-Calcutta University research that showed how lung cancer among non-smokers was at an alarming level in Kolkata due to vehicular pollution. The study had conclusively shown that the so-called lifestyle diseases' heart attack, kidney failure, lung disorder, impotence and memory loss could also be triggered by air pollution. Researchers found evidence that foul air is responsible for rise in morbidity and mortality. "Pollution is the catalyst that triggers cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Indian cities. Urban stress, sedentary lifestyle and genetic disorder compound the risk, acting as a fatal cocktail," says Twisha Lahiri who was the lead author of the study. The team had initially focused on high incidence of lung cancer in Kolkata (a shocking 18.4 per 100,000 against 11 per 100,000 in other metros). But it soon discovered that while lungs took the first hit (45% people in Kolkata have reduced lung function), nearly all vital organs were subsequently affected by pollutants. Now Or Never Ultra-fine particles (0.1 micron) slip into the bloodstream, and invade the heart, kidney, liver and brain. "During autopsy in unnatural deaths, we have found that pollution affects the brain. It causes transient loss of memory, an Alzheimer's-like disease. Continuous exposure to high levels of pollution, as we have in Kolkata, could even effect the gene pool. Already, a lot of congenital problems are being detected among children in this city. Since it takes 15-20 years for a disease to manifest, it will take a while to know how bad we've been hit," said Lahiri's co-researcher Manas Ranjan Roy. Alarmingly, nearly 50% of children in Kolkata suffer from respiratory diseases like asthma among the highest in the country. Live Longer But doctors are confident that if the polluting vehicles stop plying, average life expectancy can go up by at least four years. "If we don't act today, life expectancy will dip further. Pollution is gnawing at life, corroding organs and even affecting babies in the womb. It is responsible for rise in pre-natal diseases," said Institute of Child Health professor and National Neonatal Forum of India secretary Joydeb Roy. "An hour's stroll in Kolkata is equivalent to inhaling particulate matter and toxic gases in 20 cigarettes. If the foul air is cleaned up, healthier babies will be born and they will grow up as healthy children," said Roy. Neurologist Sandip Chatterjee is confident that the increasing incidence of Alzheimer's and brain stroke will be checked once pollution subsides. Pointing to a Dutch experiment on the effect of diesel emission that was nearly 70% less polluting than the fuel in use in Kolkata, he said a half hour exposure had led to significant changes in the brain. A series of experiments in Mexico City showed that pollution led to collection of peptide AB42 that causes Alzheimer's. In Taiwan's Kaohsiung, a study of 20,000 hospital admissions showed incidence of brain stroke was higher when the city recorded higher levels of pollution. In California, there were several cases of firefighters suffering from brain cancer due to inhaling diesel fumes. "Since all these cities are less polluted than Kolkata, that is what is happening to our brains too. Hopefully, everyone will understand the need to cut down on pollution and act responsibly," Chatterjee said. TNN 31 July 2009 __._,_.___
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Kolkata has highest number of students using the internet for information access |

Kolkata has emerged as the metropolitan city with the highest number of students using the internet for information access, as well as the highest mobile and personal computer penetration among students, according to a survey conducted by India's largest IT solutions provider, Tata Consultancy Services. Around 90 per cent of students have mobile phones and 76 per cent have a home PC, beating the national average. This is among the largest youth surveys in India, and was conducted across 14,000 high school children between 12-18 years of age in 12 cities during 2008-09. The survey says Kolkata leads the pack in the usage of Wikipedia (31 per cent) for information sourcing. Again, among all metros, Kolkata tops the preference for banking and financial services (20 per cent). The survey shows 'The Web 2.0 Generation' are digital natives, who are highly technology savvy, global in terms of aspirations and outlook, as well as increasingly optimistic about India's economic future. "Nearly one out of 10 people on the planet are under 25 years old and living in India. That is the significance of India's next generation and what they do, think and aspire to hold insights for all those who aim to engage with this Web 2.0 Generation," said S Ramadorai, CEO and MD, TCS. The TCS Generation Web 2.0 survey confirms that today's students are shifting their academic and social life online and embracing the world as true digital natives. This societal trend has important implications for parents, educators, policy makers and future employers, as well as companies and brands that want to sell to tomorrow's generation, the survey pointed out. The TCS Generation Web 2.0 survey, conducted for the first time in 2008-09, highlights that over 80 per cent of urban school children have access to mobile phones, find time for the internet alongside school, classes and extra-curricular activities, and are starting to embrace Web 2.0 tools like blogs and social networking sites. The desire to study abroad cuts across students nationwide, with the US being the most preferred destination, with nearly 40 per cent opting to study there. For some students, physical proximity plays a part in the choice of overseas education destination, especially in the mini metros. Singapore and Dubai are preferred by one in five students in Chennai and Cochin, respectively, as the top choice for overseas education. The survey also highlights that 63 per cent of urban students spend over an hour online daily and around 93 per cent are aware of social networking, with Orkut and Facebook emerging as the most popular online destinations. Around 46 per cent use online sources to access news. Again, 62 per cent have a personal computer at home, while one in four students own laptops in metros. Similarly, two our of three urban students own music players. The survey also reveals that for urban students in India, IT and engineering remain overwhelming popular career choices, while media and entertainment, travel and tourism are emerging careers. BS Reporter / August 01, 2009 __._,_.___
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10 corporate houses including Infosys, Wipro, IBM and TCS, gets Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) cover |

The home ministry has selected 10 corporate houses, including Wipro, IBM and TCS, to provide them Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) cover, in view of the threat perception and vulnerability of these corporate entities. While Infosys on Friday became the first private sector establishment in India to be provided security cover by the elite security force, cover to the rest of the corporate houses will be provided in a phased manner, a senior CISF official said. At least 79 corporate houses, including Reliance, Tata and Oberois, had earlier approached the Centre seeking CISF security cover for their installations. Other business houses and vital organisations that will get CISF security cover include Reliance, Essar, Jindal, Electronic City (Bangalore) and the Bombay Stock Exchange, CISF Inspector-General R K Mishra told Business Standard. "We have taken into consideration the threat perception, vulnerability and criticality of the corporate houses that had approached us for the cover and have decided to give protection to 10 such entities. Our personnel are adequately trained to address the security aspect of corporate houses, which we have mastered through guarding vital installations like airports, defence establishments, nuclear power plants, space installations and heritage sites," he added. CISF is planning to deploy 79 jawans for guarding Electronic City, which houses most of the elite IT companies in Bangalore, and about 71 personnel for Wipro's Sarajapur Road campus. In total, CISF expects the number of personnel deployed in manning these establishments won't be more than 1,000. The cost incurred for the deployed of personnel in these companies and establishments will be borne by the business houses concerned. Infosys will spend Rs 1 lakh per day towards the expenses of the 101 CISF personnel, including salary, medical expenses and boarding. In total, the company will spend Rs 3.6 crore per annum towards CISF cover in its Electronic City campus. Infosys Chairman N R Narayana Murthy said that the security cover, coupled with the company's private security guards, has made the company the "most secured corporate houses in the country". Besides CISF personnel, about 350 private security personnel also guard various Infosys' campuses in the city. Bangalore / August 01, 2009 __._,_.___
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Statement in support of relief and rehabilitation efforts by civil society groups in Chhatisgarh, India |

We, an international coalition of over 54 Human Rights, Community, Student, Development and Peace & Justice organizations strongly support the right of displaced Adivasis (indigenous peoples) to return safely to their homes and lives in the state of Chhattisgarh, and are alarmed by the recent surge in violence in Bijapur and Dantewada districts of Chhattisgarh which is threatening to cause a major setback to the ongoing rehabilitation.
Since the promulgation of the Salwa Judum (a militia armed by the state of Chhattisgarh) in 2005, violence from both the Salwa Judum and Maoist Rebels has escalated, and hundreds of thousands of Adivasis have fled their homes in Dantewada and Bijapur districts out of fear for their lives. Over the last 12 months, we were encouraged to see that with the support of civil society groups such as Action AID, Vanvasi Chetna Ashram (VCA) and Agriculture and Social Development Society (ASDS), some families have gradually begun to return to their villages and are resuming agriculture and other forms of livelihood. However, recent threats, arson and murder in the vicinity of the rehabilitated villages has spurred further displacement, and deterred those who were planning to return to their homes. We sympathize sincerely with the families of the victims of such violence.
Given the widespread displacement of Adivasis from their land as a result of this violence, we as informed citizens, pledge to support efforts that aim to rebuild confidence amongst Adivasis, and help them return to their lands and resume their lives with a sense of dignity.
We appeal to the government of Chhattisgarh to facilitate the process of rehabilitation of displaced communities as per the Directives of the Supreme Court, as well as the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission, by doing the following:
Make immediate arrangements for food, water, seeds, and implements to enable ploughing so that the villagers may sow in this critical period of the farming season Provide rations and employment through NREGA (National Rural Empolyment Guarantee Act) which will make food and daily wages available to the villagers until their crops come to harvest Provide compensation with which to rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.
We appeal to the government of Chhattisgarh to take firm steps to end the vicious cycle of violence in the region through de-militarization, clearing security forces off schools and hospitals, and withdrawal of the Salwa Judum. We also appeal to all parties - the Maoist Rebels, the Government and the Salwa Judum - to refrain from any activity that adversely affects the return and stay of the rehabilitated Adivasis in the villages of Chhattisgarh.
List of Endorsing Organizations
Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia, MIT Alliance of South Asians Taking Action, San Francisco Amnesty International, USA ANSWER Asian Law Alliance Association for India�s Development Association of South Asian Political Activists, Berkeley Birmingham Anti-SEZ Campaign, UK Boston Coalition for Justice in Bhopal Boston Mobilization Cambridge Free Binayak Sen Group Campaign against Forced Displacement, UK Campaign to Stop Funding Hate CMC Vellore Alumni Association-U.K. Branch DEEP - Defenders of the Environment and Ecology of Panjab, UK Dharma Megha, East Lansing, Michigan Friends of South Asia Gadar Heritage Foundation, Fremont Hillingdon Asian Women's Communication Service, UK India Foundation, East Lansing, Michigan ICJB- International Coalition for Justice in Bhopal Indian Muslim Council, USA Indian Progressive Study Group-L.A. India Relief and Education Fund, Fremont Indian Workers Association (GB) International Accountability Project International League of People's Struggles, UK International Service Society, Okemos, Michigan International South Asia Forum: INSAF, NYC Massachusetts Global Action Matahari: Eye of the Day National Lawyers' Guild Our Developing World Peace and Human Rights Trust: UK Peninsula Peace & Justice Center Peoples Health Movement, USA SAMAR San Jose Peace & Justice Center Sanhati SANSAD (South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy) Canada SAPAC: South Asian Progressive Action Collective, Chicago SACC- Scotland Against Criminalising Communities Seva International, Okemos, Michigan Sikh American Heritage Organization South Asian Alliance, UK South Asia Solidarity Group, UK South Asia Solidarity Initiative SAPA, Harvard (formerly SASS) Students for Bhopal The 1857 Committee, U.K. Vaishnava Center for Enlightenment, Okemos, Michigan Vedanta Society of East Lansing, Michigan Western States Legal Foundation WILPF-San Jose __._,_.___
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Teacher removes clothes of eight Adivasi Girls on the pretext of taking measurements for their uniforms in Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh) |

In a shocking incident, a teacher allegedly removed upper clothes of eight Adivasi girl students of fifth standard of a government school near Tyonda in Vidisha on the pretext of taking measurements for their uniforms. The shameful act of the teacher has now forced the eight girls of Ganjbasoda's Nurpur Education Guarantee Scheme School to discontinue their studies. The incident that took place on July 24 about five km from Tyonda came to light when the girls complained to their parents about it, District Education Officer Manish Verma said in Vidisha on Wednesday. He said the parents in a complaint alleged that the Guruji (teacher), Sanjeev Sharma, had allegedly removed the upper clothes of eight Adivasi girl students on the pretext of taking measurements for their uniforms in a closed classroom after calling two students at a time. Once he made them to remove their upper clothes, he took the measurement with his fingers, instead of an inch-tape, Verma said. The students also alleged that the teacher had misbehaved with them when they were half-naked in the closed classroom, the DEO said. The angry villagers went to the school but by then, Sharma had left after locking the premises following which they complained about the matter to the DEO. Indian Express / Jul 29, 2009 __._,_.___
Note: To post your messages, articles, write-up, issues for public discussions, documentary video and public event invitations at The National Forum of India (NFI) websites, simply send it to national-forum-of-india@yahoogroups.com. No sign-up required. NFI broadcasts public submitted multi-media contents on more than thirty websites like http://forum.ozg.in | http://hot-debate.ozg.in | http://india-forum.ozg.in | http://india.ozg.in as well as at concerning State's website. NFI Posting Policy - http://india.ozg.in/2009/07/national-forum-of-india.html http://Delhi.ozg.in http://Bombay.ozg.in http://Kolkata.ozg.in http://Bangalore.ozg.in http://Chennai.ozg.in http://Andhra.ozg.in http://Arunachal.ozg.in http://Assam.ozg.in http://Bengal.ozg.in http://Bihar.ozg.in http://Chhattisgarh.ozg.in http://Goa.ozg.in http://Gujarat.ozg.in http://Haryana.ozg.in http://Himachal.ozg.in http://Jammu-Kashmir.ozg.in http://Jharkhand.ozg.in http://Karnataka.ozg.in http://Kerala.ozg.in http://Madhya-Pradesh.ozg.in http://Maharashtra.ozg.in http://Manipur.ozg.in http://Meghalaya.ozg.in http://Mizoram.ozg.in http://Nagaland.ozg.in http://Orissa.ozg.in http://Punjab.ozg.in http://Rajasthan.ozg.in http://Sikkim.ozg.in http://Tamilnadu.ozg.in http://Tripura.ozg.in http://Uttarakhand.ozg.in http://Uttar-Pradesh.ozg.in
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The national pre-marital sex ratio among male youths is around 15 to 16 percent and three to five percent among female youths. Where, the pre-marital sex ratio is a little higher in Adivasi society |

The incidence of premarital sex among Jharkhand youths, particularly in tribal areas, is higher than the national average, says a study that also points to low condom use and little awareness of AIDS in this section. According to the survey, 17 percent of young men and seven percent of young women indulge in pre-marital sex while the national average is around 15 percent and three percent respectively. The study titled `Youth in India, Situation and Needs`, which was conducted in six states, including Jharkhand, was released on Tuesday. It was carried out by the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai, and the Population Council, New Delhi. `The national pre-marital sex ratio among male youths is around 15 to 16 percent and three to five percent among female youths. The pre-marital sex ratio is a little higher in tribal society mainly because of the fact that tribal communities allow men and women to stay together before marriage,` Usha Ram, an associate professor at IIPS, said. It says around 19 percent of rural and 10 percent of urban male youths indulge in pre-marital sex. Eight percent of rural female youths indulge in pre-marital sex as compared to two percent urban female youths. The survey says many of the sexual experiences of the young people were risky. Among those who had sex, one-quarter of young men and one-third of women reported pre-marital sex with more than one partner, and only seven percent of men and two percent of women reported condom use. The survey report is based on the interviews of 8,814 youths, comprising unmarried women, men and married women between 15 and 24 years, and married men up to 29 years. The awareness level of youths regarding HIV and AIDS is much below the national average. Only 27 percent of young men and 17 percent of young women had in-depth awareness of HIV/AIDS against the national average of 50 percent. `The findings confirm the need for sex education,` said Ram. Just one in 10 young men and one in 20 young women had attended family planning or sex education programmes. `Youth, nevertheless, were overwhelmingly in favour of the provision of family planning or sex education to young people,` she said. The findings of the study show that young men and women have limited awareness of sexual and reproductive matters such as how pregnancy occurs, HIV and safe sex practices and contraception. Only one-third of youth (35-36 percent) were aware that a woman can get pregnant while having sex for the first time. Around 36 percent of young men and 47 percent of young women did not know that 18 years is the legal minimum age at marriage for women. The study noted that early marriage was followed by early pregnancy - 63 percent of the women had their first pregnancy before they were aged 18. The first pregnancy occurred within six months of marriage for 39 percent of young women. `Early pregnancy - before the girl's body is fully developed and prepared for pregnancy - can have major repercussions for young girls` health and also for the health of the baby they carry. Appropriate measures should be adopted to postpone marriage and postpone pregnancy among girls getting married at an early age,` said Shireen Jejeebhoy, senior Associate of Population Council of India. IANS / 2009-07-31 
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National Rape cases stat 2007 - Madhya Pradesh topping the list followed by West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. |

The country witnessed a surge in rape cases in 2007 with Madhya Pradesh topping the list followed by West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. Delhi reported 598 rape cases thus topping the chart of Union territories which registered a total of 641 cases. According to official data, a total of 3,010 rape cases were registered in Madhya Pradesh in 2007. There were 2,106 cases reported in West Bengal, 1,648 in Uttar Pradesh and 1,555 in Bihar during the period. However, the situation in northeastern states was comparatively better except for Assam where 1,555 cases were reported. A minimum of 13 cases came into light in Nagaland, 20 in Manipur, 24 in Sikkim, 48 in Arunachal Pradesh, 82 in Meghalaya and 83 in Mizoram, the data said. Among the southern states, Andhra Pradesh registered a maximum of 1,070 cases, followed by 523 in Tamil Nadu, 512 in Kerala and 436 in Karnataka. Maharashtra reported 1,451 cases of rape while there were 939 in Orissa and 519 in Punjab, the data said. Out of the total of 20,737 registered cases, police arrested 25,363 people and 5,022 were convicted in 2007. In 2006, a total of 19,348 cases were registered in 2006, in which 23,792 people were arrested and 5,310 convicted. Jul 29, 2009 / Press Trust of India To post messages, articles, write-up, issues for public discussions, documentary video and public event invitations on multiple websites of The National Forum of India (NFI), simply send it to national-forum-of-india@yahoogroups.com . No sign-up required. Once your post get approved by Moderator then it will be shortly appear on more than thirty websites of NFI, like India.ozg.in or India-Forum.ozg.in __._,_.___
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In Karnataka 72 per cent rural areas have no access to toilets |

As many as 72 per cent of people in rural Karnataka still resort to open defecation, around 63 per cent do not treat their water before drinking and majority of women do not have access to modern hygienic form of sanitary protection are some of the findings of a recent survey conducted by an NGO. This puts into perpective the latest official figure of 63.91 per cent for rural sanitation coverage, published by the Ministry of Finance in the Economic Survey for 2008-09. Ashwas, a survey on 'Household Water And Sanitation', by the NGO Arghyam, released by state Governor H R Bharadwaj [on 20 July 2009] revealed that 72 per cent people had no access to toilets. While 21 per cent had toilets outside the house, only seven per cent had toilets inside, it said. Covering 17,200 households in 810 villages in 28 districts across the state, the survey was conducted between December 2008 and January 2009. It said only five per cent of women used sanitary napkin. Access to water has improved in most parts of the state but a major concern is the status of quality of water. Fluoride contamination above the 1.0 parts per million (ppm) government norm has been found in 60% of the cases across the state with 27 out of 28 surveyed districts registering its presence. Nitrate contamination was found in 20% of the samples. Typically nitrate contamination is from fertilizer runoff and contamination of water supply with human excreta. A website has been set up for Ashwas, where the full state survey report, District reports, Methodology and questionnaires can be accessed. Status of water in individual gram panchayats can also be queried online. Reports customized for each Gram Panchayat surveyed will be disseminated to all the Gram Panchayats over the next 3 months. With input from PTI, 20 Jul 2009 To post messages, articles, write-up, issues for public discussions, documentary video and public event invitations on multiple websites of The National Forum of India (NFI), simply send it to national-forum-of-india@yahoogroups.com . No sign-up required. Once your post get approved by Moderator then it will be shortly appear on more than thirty websites of NFI, like India.ozg.in or India-Forum.ozg.in __._,_.___
Note: To post your messages, articles, write-up, issues for public discussions, documentary video and public event invitations at The National Forum of India (NFI) websites, simply send it to national-forum-of-india@yahoogroups.com. No sign-up required. NFI broadcasts public submitted multi-media contents on more than thirty websites like http://forum.ozg.in | http://hot-debate.ozg.in | http://india-forum.ozg.in | http://india.ozg.in as well as at concerning State's website. NFI Posting Policy - http://india.ozg.in/2009/07/national-forum-of-india.html http://Delhi.ozg.in http://Bombay.ozg.in http://Kolkata.ozg.in http://Bangalore.ozg.in http://Chennai.ozg.in http://Andhra.ozg.in http://Arunachal.ozg.in http://Assam.ozg.in http://Bengal.ozg.in http://Bihar.ozg.in http://Chhattisgarh.ozg.in http://Goa.ozg.in http://Gujarat.ozg.in http://Haryana.ozg.in http://Himachal.ozg.in http://Jammu-Kashmir.ozg.in http://Jharkhand.ozg.in http://Karnataka.ozg.in http://Kerala.ozg.in http://Madhya-Pradesh.ozg.in http://Maharashtra.ozg.in http://Manipur.ozg.in http://Meghalaya.ozg.in http://Mizoram.ozg.in http://Nagaland.ozg.in http://Orissa.ozg.in http://Punjab.ozg.in http://Rajasthan.ozg.in http://Sikkim.ozg.in http://Tamilnadu.ozg.in http://Tripura.ozg.in http://Uttarakhand.ozg.in http://Uttar-Pradesh.ozg.in
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