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Jharkhand Forum is wishing you a very happy New Year 2009 |
Dear Friends, The entire moderating team would like to wish everyone in Jharkhand Forum a very great year ahead!!! Have a good 2009! With warm regards, Jharkhand Forum Team Amitabh Thakur & Nutan Thakur Dear Friend, A very happy New Year to you and your entire family. May the year 2009 prove to be a milestone in your life and career, bringing laurels, boons and happiness all along. May every day turn out to be even better than the previous one so much so that life turns into a long and blissful sojourn meandering gently, smoothly and mesmerizing all through. Amitabh Thakur, Nutan Thakur SP (Intll), Editor, Faizabad Nutan Satta Pravah, # 94155-34526 Lucknow (NB- Some of us don't know each other but good wishes are always welcome, aren't they?) Hari Sankar Rout Dear Friends. Happy Christmas & New Year Greetings from SWATI, Paburia. Your sincerely Er. Hari Sankar Rout Secretary, SWATI, At-Malerimaha, Po-Paburia Dist-Kandhamal, Orissa-762112 G K Agrawal WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A VERY HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR OF 2 0 0 9
Best Regards G K Agrawal M Com., LL B., CAIIB Ex- ED NABARD Rural and Micro-Finance Consultant and Advocate Resi: 401/402 LE CHATEAU Sharatchandra Chatterji Road ( 10th Road ) Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400 054 Tel nos: (Res) 0 22 67 100 493 Mob: 0 98 2132 0852 GANESH REDDY MAY THE NEW YEAR BRINGS PROSPERITY, SOUND HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN EVERYONE'S LIVES................. WITH EACH DAY AS A SWEET SURPRISE.......... BEST WISHES FROM: GANESH REDDY AND ALL OF US IN Citizens Foundation 7, Betar kendra, Ranchi - 834002 0651- 2481777 (FAX), 3205777 Kaveri / Kalpana and Raja Dear Brothers and Sisters, We wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Let this New Year brings you a lot of good news, good energy, bright future to you. Let us all welcome this New Year with full of love for us to live in Peace. With prayer and peace. Kaveri / Kalpana and Raja Dr.L.Raja Reader/Assistant Director Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram - 624 302, Dindigul Dist, Tamilnadu. Phone. 0451-2452371-5 COMMON CONCERN FAMILY, ORISSA GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR 2009 MAY IT GIVE AND SYNERGISE EVERY BODY COURAGE AND POWER TO PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY, SECULARISM, SOCIALISTIC MISSION AND HUMAN RIGHTS LET THERE BE PEACE AND HARMONY YOURS' SINCERELY, COMMON CONCERN FAMILY Satyabhama DEAR FRIENDS, A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2009 satyabhama vasudha mahila manch Biswajit Padhi Happy New Year from SRUSTI family Dr. Phiroz A. Poonawala Dear Sir
Happy and prosperous 2009 Phiroz
Dr. Phiroz A. Poonawala President, Holistic Turnaround Management Foundation, P.0.Box 1213 Hadapsar, Pune 4110013 India Pradeepta Friends, OSSA wishes you all 'Happy New Year-2009'. Regards Pradeepta For OSSA  __._,_.___
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Odisha Social Network |
Vaccine causes death & disease in Bihar. |
Two children in Bihar die after vaccination http://www.thaindia n.com/newsportal /health/two- children- in-bihar- die-after- vaccination_ 100136523. html Patna, Dec 30 (IANS) Two children, including an infant, died after being administered vaccines in a Bihar village, health officials and parents said Tuesday.A 20-day-old boy died Monday, a day after he was administered DPT and BCG vaccines in Kamrauli village of Darbhanga district, about 200 km from here. "My child died a day after he was administered vaccines by health volunteers," the boy's unconsolable mother Neetu Devi said. She said that she took the newborn for vaccination after being persuaded by an immunisation campaign, but it cost his life. A two-year-old boy in the same village also died after he was administered the vaccines. His mother Lalita Devi said: "He was healthy before vaccines. But he developed a high fever and showed sign of weakness before he died." The parents are demanding action against the health officials. Villagers alleged that health volunteers used infected syringes for the vaccines. Reports said several children have fallen ill in the village and neighbouring areas in Darbhanga district after vaccines. "There was nothing wrong with the vaccines but we will investigate the matter," Darbhanga civil surgeon Lakhinder Prasad said. Prasad said a team of medical officer will probe the deaths. __._,_.___
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Re: Higher education starves, but a $4.5m gift to Harvard's fine? |
India is a confused nation. There is absolutely no need for Indian Govt to donate Rs 25 crores to Harvard or Cambridge while the Universities in India are like garbage houses with no facilities but producing graduates and post graduates on paper.
What did Amartya Sen do to India ? People like him make jolly trips to India to get high attention. In fact He should donate funds for the uplift of University system in India.
Prof. Kalluri Subba Rao., Ph.D., D.Sc.(IISc),FAS-AP, FAMS., FNASc., FNA. Academic Advisor & INSA-Senior Scientist,Center for Biotechnology, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) , Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500085. __._,_.___
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Re: Remembering a glorious rebel - Jesus Christ |
Benjamin writes: "One day, this unconventional man from Nazareth was found talking to a Dalit woman. A woman? Believe it or not, Jews never spoke to women. And even his disciples were shocked at his atrocious behaviour. Added to it, the woman had had five husbands. To top it all, he asked her for a drink of water. As bad as the fellow in 'Samaskara", a Brahmin asking a Dalit for water from an outcast well."
I am surprised to learn from this article that there were Dalits and Brahmins in Nazareth as well??!!!?? Were the Jews having the tradition of down-trodden people? Let us assume that they had such tradition, were they addressed as Dalits? He must and should clarify. I think it's an insult and abuse of the Dalits in India, who should strongly object to it. They should also sue the author for misuse of words and also the newspaper that has carried this write-up that disgraces Dalits. Dalits in India rank low in the social strata but they too do not stoop to the level of prostitution. The code of conduct, so far as adultary is concerned, was same for the Dalits as was for the Brahmins. I have some more things to add but I will wait for Benjamin's reply. __._,_.___
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Jharkhand Forum banned Amaresh Misra and Ghulam Muhammed |
 Dear Jharkhand Forum members, We would like to inform you that, Jharkhand Forum banned its two members. Details of members are following. 1. Full Name: Amaresh Misra 2. Designation and Organization: Activist, Writer & President, All India Patriotic Forum (AIPF). 3. Banned Email id: misra.amaresh@gmail.com Reason of Ban – Breaking Jharkhand Forum norms. In particular- · Abusive language, · Circulating Jharkhand Forum threads to public with abusive comments on Jharkhand Forum members, · Replying mails of Jharkhand Forum individually to concerned members in abusive language and hiding personal email id during individual reply. 1. Full Name: Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai 2. Designation and Organization: Activist, Writer, Freelancer 3. Banned Email id: ghulam_muhammed2@yahoo.co.in / ghulammuhammed3@gmail.com 4. Banned Blogs: http://ghulammuhammed.wordpress.com Reason of Ban – Breaking Jharkhand Forum norms. In particular- · Publishing abusive comments of Amaresh Misra made on Jharkhand Forum members. · Unauthorised publishing of Jharkhand Forum threads on personal blogs. We suggest Jharkhand Forum members to do not use banned email ids and blogs. Dear Amaresh Misra & Ghulam Muhammed, You may rejoin Jharkhand Forum at anytime by submitting your apology letter addressed to Jharkhand Forum members. But, you will not be able to make any post at Jharkhand List for one month counting from date of ban notification. Note: The banned email id and blog will remain in banned list. You will need to use different email id while requesting new membership at Jharkhand Forum. Can we suggest you to remove this link from web as soon as possible http://ghulammuhammed.wordpress.com/2008/12/21/debate-between-subhashini-ali-and-amaresh-misra/ ? Also, please remove abusive comments of Amaresh Misra made on Jharkhand Forum members from all places on web wherever you posted it. Thank you. With best regards, Moderators' team*, Jharkhand Forum Jharkhand.org.in/forum forum@jharkhand.org.in * As per internal policy of JF, moderators name will not be made public. To know more about Jharkhand Forum watch - http://jharkhand.ning.com/video/jharkhand-fourm-the-hottest __._,_.___
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TOI: Young ladies pls avoid HPV vaccine Gardasil, say Indian doctors. |
Cancer vaccine kicks up controversy in India 30 Dec 2008, 1122 hrs IST, IANS |
| BANGALORE: An advertising blitz launched by a multinational drug firm to promote its high profile but controversial cancer vaccine has left Indian households confused and health workers worried.
The 15-second commercials seen recently on Indian television urge parents to get their young girls inoculated with the vaccine Gardasil to protect against cervical cancer, the second commonest major cancer in women.
What the ad hides, of course, is that the vaccine is mired in a controversy in the United States over its safety and the ethics of administering it to girls as young as nine.
The vaccine manufactured by Merck & Co blocks two strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV 16 and 18) which are known to cause about 70% of cervical cancers.
The US Food and Drugs Administration authorised sale of the vaccine in that country in June 2006. The company launched it in India in October 2008 and followed it with television advertisements that tend to make the parents believe that their daughters risk dying of cervical cancer if not vaccinated.
Advertising prescription drugs on television is unethical enough, but using fear to sell them is worse, according to medical scientists aware of the controversy in the US.
Gardasil is an efficient vaccine but the safety and risk information about it has not been made available to parents to enable them make an informed decision about vaccinating their daughters, says Kumaravel Somasundaram, a cancer expert at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. "We did not debate the issues even within the science community before the vaccine arrived in the market," he said.
Its exorbitant listed price - $120 (Rs 5,800) per dose and three shots are required - is the least of the concerns about the vaccines, says Jacob Puliyel, consultant paediatrician at the St. Stephens Hospital in Delhi. "What bothers me is the reported side effect." A Google search with just two key words 'gardasil+safety' lists 263,000 reports relating to side effects.
As of August 31, the US Centres of Disease Control (CDC) had received more than 10,000 adverse event reports, including 27 deaths following Gardasil vaccination. According to CDC, seizures, blood clots and paralysis accounted for six% of adverse events classified as "serious", while fainting, fever and headaches made up the rest. But the US health officials and Merck have dismissed the adverse events as "unrelated to the vaccine" and have claimed that the vaccine is safe.
Puliyel says the Gardasil vaccination raises an ethical issue as it can only prevent, but not treat HPV infection. Since HPV is sexually transmitted, the vaccine needs to be given before a girl becomes sexually active - ideally at the age of 11. "The underlying assumption here is that adolescent girls in India may all become promiscuous," says Puliyel.
An August 21 editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine noted that Gardasil's "long-term effectiveness is unclear" since no participants have been followed for more than five years while most cervical cancers take 10 years to develop.
"While it has been shown that the HPV vaccines prevent pre-cancerous lesions, we don't know if they will prevent cancer itself," the editorial said.
The journal also raised two other questions: One, most HPV infections clear on their own in 1-2 years through the body's natural immune response. Will the vaccine interfere with this natural process and, if so, in what ways? Two, since only two of the cancer causing strains of HPV are suppressed by Gardasil, will other strains take their place? More than 160 types of HPV are known to exist.
"With so many essential questions still unanswered, there is good reason to be cautious about introducing large-scale vaccination programmes (with Gardasil)," says Charlotte Haug, editor in chief of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.
"There is too little long-term safety and efficacy data, especially in young girls," says Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a public interest group in Washington. "It looks as if an unproven vaccine with dangerous side effects is being pushed as a miracle drug."
Merck spokesperson Vince Docherty however told IANS that the vaccine was tested in approximately 25,000 people in the United States and around the world, "and found to be safe and effective in preventing serious HPV-related diseases".
According to the company, the vaccine launched in India can be given to women from age 10 to 26. The office of the Drug Controller General of India did not reply to questions on how the vaccine was allowed to be sold without the mandatory clinical trial on local population. The trial in the 16-23 age group, originally proposed by the Indian Council of Medical Research in early 2008, has not started for reasons not known.
The Merck spokesperson however said that Indian regulators approved the sale of Gardasil in July 2008 on the basis of "clinical efficacy and safety data" generated worldwide and the results of a clinical trial carried out in India in 2007 in 110 healthy girls in the 9-15 age group. The company had outsourced the trial to unnamed contract research organisations and the results have not been published. The Merck official said the results are "in the process" of being published.
According to the American Cancer Society, virtually all cervical cancers can be prevented if any pre-cancerous cells detected during routine "Pap" test are treated immediately. The Pap test that costs about Rs 200 can detect changes on a woman's cervix even before cancer develops, when it is most curable. Between 1955 and 1992 the number of cervical cancer deaths in the United States dropped by 74% by the use of Pap test alone, without any vaccination.
The American vaccine watchdog, Virginia-based National Vaccine Information Center, has cautioned that Gardasil vaccine could lull people into a false sense of security. It says that since the vaccine protects only against a few strains of HPV responsible for 70% of cervical cancers, "it will be important for women to continue getting screened by regular Pap tests" to guard against the remaining 30% of cervical cancers caused by other dangerous strains of HPV.
Critics say that the Indian health ministry which acted so fast to put the controversial Merck vaccine on chemist shops ahead of the clinical trial (in the 16-23 age group) should have instead promoted the inexpensive Pap test across the nation if it was really serious about reducing cervical cancer deaths. | http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Health__Science/Cancer_vaccine_kicks_up_controversy/articleshow/3912139.cmsPrinted from | __._,_.___
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By P.N.BENJAMIN Coordinator, BIRD
Many in this country, millions upon millions, would certainly like to ring out the old and ring in the new with new hopes and expectations. Indians wish that the he spectre of violence and terrorist attacks and killings, natural calamities, impoverishment, unemployment, fratricidal clashes, caste and communal violence must disappear and should not keep company with us in our journey ahead.
True, to begin the New Year with forebodings may sound like a pessimist's pastime. But we must face it with buoyant self-confidence. And the stout-hearts among us should not lose hope. There is distress all over the country. The reality, grim and grinding, beckons the nation to a desperate prospect. Deep-rooted fatalism, dumb acceptance of misery, a raging sea of poverty, and a few islands of vulgar luxury, inhabited by a few who behave as if nothing has happened. It is too deep for tears. And this should disturb every sensitive Indian.
The cancers that have grown in the vitals of India are so horrendous that whole limbs may decay and die before some sort of curative effort succeeds in the rest of the system. Corruption has become so entrenched that all of us justify it as a fact of global life. It is a situation where "the best lack all conviction/ And the worst are full of passionate intensity/The things fall apart/The centre cannot hold/Mere anarchy loosed upon the world". It is the winter of our discontent.
Caught in the immediacy of the present we may be agonizing over these maladies. But, there is still hope. "There is an ebb and tide in the affairs of man. Things will change". This may be the darkest hour before the radiant dawn. God has not gone bankrupt. He can make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame cross the mountain. If past is any pointer to the future, there is indeed hope. There is resilience in our people, which no combination of adversities can kill. Our ideals and principles might appear to be in eclipse. But, eclipses are short-lived.
In an atmosphere surcharged with cynicism on the one hand and despair on the other, we would do well to remind ourselves that our present predicament is not unique. There was a time when many Indians sold their souls to foreign overlords and many among us despaired of ever liberating the country from the grip of foreign rule and from the corruption it bred. Yet, our leaders were able to dispel the gloom when it was at its darkest and to show the way not only to freedom from foreign rule, but also from the vices that polluted public life.
Yes, India in the past has seen many a crisis. But, the country lives on. The present ordeal too will pass and the country will again resume the path of progress. If one has eyes to see and ears to hear, this country is moving. It is bestirred by new urges. There is intense heart-searching, groping in the dark – not out of despair, but in the earnest hope of finding a way out. The old value system has collapsed, but already an intense search has begun for new values for the establishment of a new morality in public life. Go out anywhere, amidst the din and bustle of the factory or vast expanses of the fields, in the beehive of busy offices or in the boisterous, crowded campuses – among men, women, the young and the old – you will hear a thousand and one questions why things have gone wrong and what's the way out of it.
Dedicated men and women, sacrificing comfort and many allurements of the consumerist society are building a new India in the remote villages and hilly regions of this vast land of ours. There abound in this country today men and women of finest moral qualities, experts in their respective fields seeking to advance the frontiers of knowledge and to serve the community by disseminating it to the public. They are playing their role in the building of this great country and are sharers, in common with others, in the triumphs and setbacks that come their way.
The present with all its unhappiness and misery will pass. It is the future that counts and it is that future that beckons us. How will you answer that call?
The saga of such endeavours is hardly publicised by the media addicted to the burlesque of present-day politics and the accompaniments of permissive morality, addiction to vicarious violence, and erotic and narcotic fantasies.
In the prevailing darkness they move about like figures in silhouettes; soon the sun shall arrive and identify them, and among them shall be seen new leaders with a new message of enriched patriotism and a new resolve to make this land of ours a better place to live in. They give us reasons for hope. Hope, where there is despair. Light, where there is darkness. Joy, where there is sadness.
Beyond the winter of our discontent and despondence, there must be the Spring of Hope! Yes, the New Year is upon us. Is it going to be different from the old? Come, let us make it the hour before that radiant dawn.
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