Venkat Sahab , what happened in the past , there was no democracy there were Monarch's , what happened has led to this situation , do we want a repeat performance then please go ahead. the tenets of Hinduism i respect , i have them photocopied , i quote them , while talking to my children, and young students , my favorite quote is " Kaam Katre raho Phal ki Chinta mat karo" , and kya le kar aye the ...............and many more . I have no questions , religion is a personal relationship between individual and GOD , there are absurdities in every religion but it is a matter of faith. it has no boundaries it is logical at one end but goes beyond the boundaries of logic as well, Quran is ancient, the languauge lacks clarity like any other Holy scripture and is subject to varied interpretations, if it is accepted in principle that no religion would ever teach "VIOLENCE" , and people indulging in it in the name of religion have misunderstood religion, atleast condeming religion would be curbed , and then we would have to only deal with abberations ( terrorists). I am a believer and my faith in GOD is immense , my beliefs are , we all are creation of one GOD , we have given different names , our ways of reaching to GOD are different , and on this basis, discriminating human's is not an option with me . However i would rather follow the norms to reach to God , i have learnt . we practice what we learn , if i would have been raised ina HINDU/ Christian , family i would have got conditioned to praying / not praying / practicing those norms Indulging in violence of any kind is a deviaiton from normal behaviour , it is a depiction of negativity , it is reflection of a sick mind . A survey if i correctly remember reported that 60% of the policemen were found to be psychologically/ mentally unwell. if we consider the crimnals and terrorists sick in mind and work to find reasons / research as to why people indulge in activities which are not normal we would be able to get to root cause . A film by Aamir Khan, has beautifully informed us about learning disability , why a child could not learn , what are the strengths and weaknesses of such a child. This is a wishful thinking that we would ever approach a problem with this perspective , however let us not believe that actions of terrorists are religious. The word ISLAM means peace When muslims greet each other , Assalamalekum, it means peace be upon you, Swami Agnivesh knew and while addresing the students and teachers at JAMIA , informed that a religion can not be so deceptive that it will be named as peace and will subscribe to violence and killings Kafir's described in QURAN are non believers and not HINDU's , IDOL worsippers are described as MUSHRIKs ( which means who share identites of GOD instead of having faith in one GOD ) However worshipping IDOLS is prohibited , respect for all religions is subscribed Patience (SABR) is given a higher status however intolerance to injustice is not considered a sin. Killing innocents is considered a sin which shall be punished severly. i would find the text from QURAN and would give a more authentic refrence page wise. to inform that QURAN prohibits killing of innocent persons. i have no questions on Hinduism, it is a faith of many , and i respect it. i would never opt to demean any GOD in whom human's have faith best Ms Sarwat Ali __._,_.___
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